Saturday, October 11, 2014

The Life and Teachings of Elder Lowell Tom Perry

The Biography of Elder Lowell Tom Perry
            The first thing that stood out to me about Elder Perry was his desire to have perfect attendance at church. I remember when I was in seminary and I wanted to have perfect attendance and I set a goal to never miss a single day of seminary. Unfortunately unlike Elder Perry, I missed eight days of seminary for one reason or another, so I didn’t have perfect attendance, but I am grateful I made the commitment to try to have perfect attendance. The second thing that stood out to me was how he always made time for family. I love that he drives to conference assignments when it’s possible instead of flying so he can take his wife with him. Not that I hope to marry someone who goes on to be a general authority, but I hope to someday have a husband who is willing to do the same kind of thing with me as Elder Perry does with his wife. I really loved the story of how his son would act as his timekeeper during his speaking assignments when Elder Perry was a high councilor. The “see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil” has been one of my favorite things since I was a child, and now I love it even more.

The Testimony of Lowell Tom Perry
            The one thing that stuck out to me about Elder Perry’s testimony was the story he told. From the first time I heard this story, I have always loved to hear it again and again. Part of the reason I have loved this story so much is that I love World War Two history. I love to watch the different television programs and read the different books about the experiences of the men and women who gave so much during that period of history. The other reason is because it is a reminder of how important it is for us to be kind to others even when they have wronged us or added to our suffering. Our Savior suffered far more than any of us will, and He always loved those who caused Him so much pain.

Recent Teachings

Elder Lowell Tom Perry, Obedience through Our Faithfulness, April 2014 General Conference, Sunday Afternoon Session
Key Doctrine and Principles:
·         Obedience
·         Agency
·         Faith
Favorite Quotes and Why They Matter to Me:
·         “An obedient horse which is part of a well-trained team of horses needs little more than a gentle tug from the driver to do exactly what he wants it to do. This gentle tug is equivalent to the still, small voice with which the Lord speaks to us. Out of respect for our agency, it is never a strong forceful tug.”
o    I loved this quote because having previously gone horseback riding, as well as taking horseback riding lessons, I know exactly what Elder Perry is talking about, even though he is talking about a team of horses. I distinctly remember when I was nine years old flying back east to meet family, as well as meeting some of the people my mom taught while on her mission in Quebec. While in Quebec, we stayed with an older couple who had been taught by my mom. This couple had two horses, and they had allowed me to ride one of them. While I was riding, my brother decided he wanted to lead the horse, but in doing so, he managed to spook the horse, and I was thrown several feet in the air before landing on a rock. Except for a very large bruise on my thigh, I was okay physically, but it would be more than five years before I had the courage to get back up on a horse. When I finally did, I learned how my movements would help with guiding the horse, as well as how to regain control should the horse get spooked. I learned that when a horse gets spooked, it needs gentle, quiet, and calm reassurance that things are okay, much like how a child needs the same kind of reassurance when they are scared. This is something I have learned to apply in my own life at times of trial and turmoil. The still, small voice of the Holy Ghost brings the peace I need to cope during those difficult times.
·         “The kind of obedience my grandfather described in his example of a team of horses also requires a special trust—that is, an absolute faith in the driver of the team.”
o    Again being that I am a control freak, this quote really hit home. I trust my Savior with all that I am, and I have an absolute faith in Him. So despite my need to feel as if I am in control, it is because I trust my Savior, as well as because of my deep faith in Him, that I am able to have the courage to little by little overcome my fear of not being in control. It is a long, slow process, but I wouldn’t be willing to go through with it if I didn’t know there would always be someone there to catch me when I fall, someone to help me get back up on the horse, so to speak.
·         “I recommend it to you and even challenge you to experiment upon my words, and if you do, I promise that they will lead you to clarity of choice when you are bombarded with choices and that they will lead to simple answers to questions that confuse the learned and those who think they are wise.”
o    I loved this quote because of the profound promise Elder Perry gives. He recommends and even challenges us to use our agency to experiment and find out for ourselves. His promise means a great deal to me simply for the fact that I have come to understand and know that the simple answers one is given from the promptings of the Holy Ghost, are as simple and pure as the answers I received from my sunbeams when I would ask them questions.
·         “Obedience is a choice. It is a choice between our own limited knowledge and power and God’s unlimited wisdom and omnipotence. According to the lesson my grandfather gave to me, it is a choice to sense the spiritual bit in our mouths and follow the driver’s lead.”
o    I love how plainly Elder Perry states that obedience is linked to our agency. We chose in the pre-mortal existence to follow our Savior’s plan, knowing we would be tempted along the way, but also knowing we would have the power to choose whether or not we would give into those temptations.

Past Teachings

Elder Lowell Tom Perry, Obedience to Law is Liberty, Ensign and General Conference (through the LDS Gospel Library App), May 2013 (General Conference April 2013, Sunday Morning Session)
Key Doctrine and Principles:
·         Obedience
·         Agency
·         God’s Laws Verses Man’s Laws
·         Liberty and Freedom through Compliance with God’s Laws
Favorite Quotes and Why They Matter to Me:
·         “Today we find ourselves in another war. This is not a war of armaments. It is a war of thoughts, words, and deeds. It is a war with sin, and more than ever we need to be reminded of the commandments. Secularism is becoming the norm, and many of its beliefs and practices are in direct conflict with those that were instituted by the Lord Himself for the benefit of His children.”
o    I loved this quote because it really reminds me of just how cunning the adversary really is. It can be very difficult to live in the world, but not be part of it when all around us there are advertisements, posters, billboards, commercials, flyers, and other various forms of media telling us it’s okay to do things on Sunday or experiment with this or that just once because it won’t hurt us to try it just once. My dad recently retired after working for the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department for 42 years in the crime lab. He has seen some of the worst things a person can inflict upon another. He has worked in the narcotics section, as well as the blood alcohol testing section. From him I have learned a great deal about the importance of living in the world but not being part of it. One sip of wine, or one shot of whiskey may not seem like it’s going to impair your judgment or your ability to react, but it will.
·         “We recognize that when God the Eternal Father presented His plan to us at the beginning of time, Satan wanted to alter the plan. He said he would redeem all mankind. Not one soul would be lost, and Satan was confident he could deliver on his proposal. But there was an unacceptable cost—the destruction of man’s agency, which was and is a gift given by God.”
o    I loved this quote because it states just how important it was to our Heavenly Father that we would have our agency while we were here on earth. It is so interesting that according to Satan’s plan, not one soul would be lost, and yet those who chose to follow him in the pre-mortal existence were lost. From this simple fact alone, it makes the idea that he would have been able to insure not one soul was lost completely irrational. Those who followed him will never have the opportunities we have been given because they will never be able to gain a body.

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